Sunday, December 26, 2010

iTunes vs. CDs

CD Vs. iTunes

Pros iTunes
1. Less expensive
2. Can buy just the songs you want
3. Kept safe on your computer/ iPod /iPad /iPhone
4. can listen anywhere

Cons iTunes
1.If you buy it only you can listen to it
2.You can only play it to a group if you have speakers.
3.Can't buy used, a.k.a. cheaper.
4.Can't sell it

Pro CD
1.You can share.
2. You can sell it
3. you can buy it used
4. It's a phisical thing you can hold

Cons CD
1.They're easy to loose
2.They brake
3.If you don't have a cd player you can't listen to it.
4. They can be expensive because of casing.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow alter, How-To

Your Snow Alter

Summer is gone and it is time to begin snow preparation. One way to insure a heavy snowfall is a snow alter. Read on to learn the steps of a snow alter. 

1. Get a small table and place it somewhere easy to see, preferably near a window.
2. Cover it in a white sheet.
3. Place small items on the table
- Snow-y stuffed animals
- paper snow flakes
- snow attire
- any thing winter-y
- a piece of paper with the below prayer
4. Every night take a bowl and place a ice cube in it
5. Bless the ice cube with the prayer

Dear Snow Gods*
We pray to you that on this night
snow does fall to the ground
That when we awake our world will be white
and it will muffle all sounds
Oh Snow Gods* 
We pray to you that it will stick
and continue to fall
We pray to you that on this night
snow does fall to the ground

* Feel free to replace these words if they offend you

Hmmmmmm, what to say

Okay, so, Holidays are coming so YAY! Ummmmmmm, ummmmm, Team Unicorn or Team Zombie? Tell me that, and watch Outsourced. It's really good, also congrats to Fabio on winning Survivor. Read the book Zombies vs. Unicorns.

Now, I want everyone who reads this to find your favorite article and go down to the little bar and email it to someone, or just email the website, to at least one person, and then have them email it to one person etc. We need people to read this blog!

View Details Happy holidays!  Don't forget to read my snow alter instructions, Next time!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'M GONNA' GO CRAZY!!!!!!!!! (not really)

So, Guess what? I'm going insane. No really. Ask my friends. I've been so hyper this week it's not funny. I also made a gi-nourmous assortment of duct tape accessories. Wallets, hats, rings, headbands, and bracelets. I've made the decision that my prom dress will be made of duct tape, if I go to prom. I'm not going unless it's Yule Ball themed. I'm in a choir performance tonight, how fun. Also, I'm going to make a quiditch team at my school. Awesome right! Recently I finished to books. To Kill A Mocking Bird (TKAMB) and My Sisters Keeper (MSK) So now I'm going to talk about them, so yeah. (Spoilers ahead, but not big ones. so def. read the MSK one.

TKAMB- So this book is AWESOME! If you've read it then you know how sad the ending is and All I'm going to say is that it's so horrid that it is still happening today, I mean really, we think that people aren't discriminative, soooooo not true. Give me a comment for your thoughts.

MSK- This book is soooo sad. This is the question on the cover. If you use one of your children to save the life of another, are you being a good mother or a very bad one? Tell me what you think, before and after you read the book.

Both books have been made into a movie, but that doesn't count.
So that's it...


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hey you guys! SURVIVOR RULES!

So right now I'm going to tell all of you about an awesome t.v. show, Survivor. Yesterday, I watched episodes 3-12. from about 11 am to 7:30 pm. It is so good, and as you can tell, addicting. So it's like this. It starts out with 20 people, divided into 2 tribes,  and each week someone gets voted off. To determine which team gets someone voted off there are challenges, some for immunity (not getting someone voted off) and some for a reward. The rewards are usually food or cooking supplies. There are now 9 people left, and they've been merged into one team.

My favorite thing about Survivor it's mostly about being a really good people person, not all about being tough and strong, not that that's not important, but if you want to win, you have to be valuable, have people like you, and not seem like a threat.

Go on Hulu and watch it because you don't want to start now when more than half the people are gone. If you care, I want Jane to win, she's AWESOME!

Also, I think I'm gonna' change the blog, I'm just going to write about whatever I want.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Disney update

HEYA' PEOPLE! So, I just wanted to tell you guys about some stuff that's happening right now.

First the Jonas Brothers t.v. show was cancelled, and they might cancel Sonny With a Chance. Want to know why? Of course you do, it's because Demi Lavato has issues! You know, slitting her wrists, oh and she's in rehab! So yeah...

Anyway, they're making a Justin Beiber documentary : ( how sad. It's called Never Say Never.

Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows, Part 1 is really good. Some parts were disappointing, I mean not like the book, but overall it was good, some parts were funny too. Part 2 is coming out in July.

The judges for this season of American Idol are Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez. Ellen and Simon quit, and and they asked Kara to leave because it was entirely her fault that ratings were down. It couldn't be that the show is a total fraud! No, not possible. Want to know why I say that? You see not everyone even gets to audition. And if you audition and get in, and get all the way to second place and even if your better than the other person your still going to lose if you're not the same as every single other ordinary person out their, so, that's what I think. (Go Adam!)

Okay so guess what I saw on the front of some random magazine, Miley Cyrus's mom (Tish) had an affair with Bret Michaels. So Billy Ray Cyrus is filing for a divorce, wonder why. Anyway, It kind of makes you feel bad for all those teen star idol girls.

In other news Katy Perry got married, she really likes his mom, and Pink! got a beach house, plus she's got a baby! And a Micheal Bray killed his mother with a Sumarai sword, while shouting bible verses at her... Christina Aguilera was holding hands (Oh My!) with a guy from the set guy in her movie, Burlesque. Also, BLAINE MIGHT NOT BE KURTS BOYFRIEND! (Glee) Update after I have seen tonights episode. Now I don't Know if I believe that because I know they sing Baby It's Cold Outside together so... Also, you can bid on Taylor Swift's autographed guitar!

My wasn't this an interesting blog, I probably will do something more review-ish next time but ya' know. Special thanks to my helper for this post Forrest

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Invisible Children

I would like to inform all of you about a terrible tragedy going on in Northern Uganda. Children are taken from their homes and forced to fight in the rebel army. While this isn't happening much any more, everywhere is still feeling affects. Especially the schools. That's why a program called Schools for Schools was created. It raises money to rebuild schools for Ugandan children. My school recently joined and now has a partner school called Anaka Secondary School, it's in Nwoya, Uganda. We saw a tearjerking video, and other stuff, we also met someone who had lived through it! For more information go to this link. Talk to someone about having these amazing people at your school, and for more information about doing good, go to my friends website. THANK YOU!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Ok, so, this is a shout-out to the giants. They just won the World Series, against Texas. This is the first time they've won in San Fransisco. When I was 8 I went to one of their games, they lost, but the stadium was awesome, there's a giant slide that looks like a Coke bottle. I want to say that their pitcher, Tim Lincecum, is AWESOME!!!!!!! And so is there ender pitcher that did good too, but I don't know his name, and the website I was looking at was not helpful, so there.
My current ideas for upcoming blogs are, Beatles, and Black Eyed Peas, but I'm not very excited about either of them, so Ideas would be nice!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Sorry it's taken me so long to write this, but I have been side tracked by learning how to juggle (long story)...(OK not really but...)  Any way, So Queen is amazing, and it pains me to say it, but it might be better than the Beatles! So it's like Freddie Mercury is dead but, THE MUSIC LIVE ON!!!!!!! Here are my fave songs!

Don't Stop Me Now- Fabulous song! Definitely one of their best! It's all slow and fast, much like...

Bohemian Rhapsody- This song is EPIC!! Like it's really long and it's all slow, then fast, and it tells a story and yeah, so fab song!

Bicycle Race- OK, this song is absolutely hilarious! It's all about riding bikes and its fast mostly, and the theirs like this music solo, of bike bells!

Killer Queen- This song is great fast moving and fun, a must hear!

Another One Bites The Dust- Fun with a steady beat and a story-ish.

Save Me- This song is really good, it's just good ok! I have no in depth comments.

Incase you were wondering Queen is like the band that did We are the Champions, We Will Rock You, and Find Me Somebody to Love.

Also, Want to know how I got into Queen?????? Huh? Do YA'? Well I'm gonna' tell you either way. So I was in this play which was a mix of Alice in Wonderland And the Wizard of Oz ( Wizard in Wonderland) I played the Cowardly Lion, a boxing Cowardly Lion. Anyway, all the songs were Queen songs with new lyrics, so yep.  The songs we did were, Under Pressure, Your My Best Friend, We are the Champions, and We Will Rock You, also Killer Queen.

So, listen to Queen, and I'll see you next time with maybe the Beatles, but maybe not, tell me what you think!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So my Adam Lambert blog made me decide to change this blog so that it's mostly MUSIC! If something really important comes up I'll talk about it, but for know look for my next blog QUEEN! Or the Beatles depending on if I can get Bicycle Race out of my head!

I'm sorry!

Okay, so obviously I just can't write about Fablehaven, so here's another topic!!!!

Adam Lambert

Okay So mostly I'm going to right about his new album, but there will also be a lot of raging about the fact that he lost American Idol. So here goes.

In Adam's new album, which by the way, he got by himself, without the automatic deal from American Idol that Kris Allen, the winner, got. The album is titled For Your Entertainment. And it is quite entertaining as a matter of fact! (I'm listening to it right now!) Anyway, heres a list of the songs!

Music Again- Fun and electro. Upbeat and happy. His voice gets pretty high, which just reminds of how superior he is to Kris. It's about how someone made him want to listen to music again.

For Your Entertainment- It's got a steady beat, almost like a heart beat. This song is kinda' creepy, but amazing just the same. I'm not quite sure what this song is about... BUT THAT'S OKAY!

Whataya Want From Me- This song is slow, and calm. Withe a cool guitar undertone this song does speed up a bit, but slows back down. The songs about getting through all sorts bumps in any sort of relationship.

Strut- I LOVE THIS SONG! It's all electro with a really cool beat. At one point it slows down but then it speeds back up. It's about starting a revolution, against what I don't know, but it sorta' seems like maybe the government of sorts.

Soaked- This song has a really great tune, it's sort of sad and slow, with a bit of Middle Eastern thrown in, just like when he sang Ring of Fire on American Idol, which was much better then whatever Kris did that week! It's about getting through it all, even when you're in really deep, at least that's what I got.

Sure Fire Winners- This song has a fabulous beat and electro tune. It's about going way over the top and always coming out fine, I think. See this song is great but it does sort of confuse me!

A Loaded Smile- Is slow and sweet, with a little spacey tune. It's about how this person is all you ever want, and that they are so important to you, but maybe something went wrong, but you think you can make it.

If I Had You- This song has a great beat and wonderful vocals. It talks about how you can get all dressed up, have lots of money and be super famous, but that we have way to much of that stuff and that all we really need is love.

Pick U Up- This song very techno with a fun beat. It's about waiting too long for something you really want, then finally getting it.

Fever- I love this song! It's got an amazing tune and beat that shows off his voice more than some more than the other songs. I mean His voice is so much better than Kris's. It's actually kind of sad! It's about loving someone for a long time, but never telling them, or something...I don't really know!

Sleepwalker- This song is slow and sad. I can't say much about the music, but that it's amazing, and there's some electric guitar. It's about how after you broke up He's just walking around with nothing really affecting Him. If it interests you the electric guitar in this song was done by Orianthi. 

Aftermath- This song is slow, and fast. It's about how you'll be able to get through everything because you've got people that are going through the same thing. Oh, and all that's going on after some big event like a war, but probably less HUGE.

Broken Open- This song is slow with a melody that seems to kind of engulf you. It's about being broken open... Okay so I don't understand this song really, I even looked at the lyrics, and I still don't get it!

Time for Miracles- This song is slow, and while I don't love it, it's got a good tune and melody. It's about how you're not giving up on love, especially since, "Living is so hard to do" It's one of the lyrics! Anyway, Adam originally Sang this song in the movie 2012. Has Kris had a song in a movie, NO! Has Adam had a song in two  movies? YES!

Master Plan- This song is one of my favorites. This song is fast paced and very electro. It's about thinking outside the box, and being spontaneous. It's also about forgetting about how things were done and to realize if somethings right or wrong.

Down the Rabbit Hole- This song is upbeat and crazy. It's really quite interesting. I think  it's about about   getting around the fact that it's just plain odd and going ahead and having fun.

The "Deluxe Version" Includes Master Plan, Down the Rabbit Hole, two behind the scenes videos, an LP (which is actually pretty cool!), then in the LP there's some photos, credits, and an iTunes interview with Adam himself, for like three more bucks.

My favorite songs are as follows: Strut, Master Plan, Fever, Sure Fire Winners, Sleepwalker, and Aftermath.

All my ideas of what the songs mean are almost made up, so, Ya' know...

Also, I haven't listened to Kris's music after American Idol, so he might have gotten better, but I still think he's got a bad voice.

Okay, this is the last of it, you must also get No Boundaries. It's amazing, plus he sang it better than Kris!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


OK! So I'm leaving for a week, and I still haven't talked about Fablehaven. But that's to be expected when SOMEBODY  STILL HAS'NT RETURNED IT!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stuff You Missed in History Class

Stuff You Missed is a podcast about history. The two girls Katie and Sarah talk about all sorts of things that most people don't know. Like the Great Wall of China (okay most people know of it, but not a whole bunch about it), Hawaiian princesses, and Charlie Chaplin. These podcasts are great, they come out every few days and are a constant entertainment sourse. They also accept listener mail so you can send in suggestions, corrections, or comments. Check out Katie and Sarah's blogs here.

This Podcast is not a bit boring (like you might suspect) but rater funny exciting and quite enjoyable. And if you want to get it, just go to iTunes and type in How Stuff Works. That's the company it's from. On that page the orange one will be it, but there other podcasts are great too. Especially try Stuff They Don't Want You to Know. It's a vide podcast about conpiracies.

I give Stuff you Missed an A for Awesomeness.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


HEY! I'm back! After my stay in the States I'm back home, and I've got my next few blogs all planed out so, here's my list.

1. Missed in History
2. Fablehaven
3. Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Toy Story 3
5. Animal Planet

Look for those posts, and if you've got any idea's, let me know!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Quick Update

HEYA'! So, I'll be gone for the next week, but I'll post something when I get back, so umm yah... Anyway, look out for my posting list, which'll tell you what I'm doing next.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I love Harry Potter, so I headed to the above named theme park in Universal Islands of Adventure. Let me tell you, it is amazing. Hogsmead is beautiful with cute shops and amazing surprises. And Hogwarts Castle, wow, it's amazing. It is sort of small, but amazing all the same. It has talking portraits and other things like that. Unfortunately the only way to see the castle is to get in the line for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Not that the ride isn't AMAZING, but the line is at least two hours long, at least on the day I went. Since I was there within the first week the lines were incredible! To get into Olivanders the line was around two hours long and it was almost as long for the other stores. And it's hot. I had sweat dripping down my neck the whole time.

So, to rap it all up, consider going in the winter, when you have a few days. Check out all the rides and shops, and pick up some butterbeer or pumpkin juice. I give The Wizarding World of Harry Potter an A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ect. for awesomeness.
And a C for waiting and lines, less except that there are a lot of cool stuff to see.

For more info and a map checkout

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jackie Chan Double Feature

The Spy Next Door
This movie is about a single mother with three kids who live next to a spy. When their mother goes to see a sick relative the kids are dismayed to learn that their baby-sitter would be Cyborg Bob. While he tries to keep up with the day-to-day life of a house wife the plot of the century is developing, and he has to stop it.

The Spy next door is a family fun movie with plenty of laugh out loud moments and fun exciting fight scenes. It keeps a fast pace and doesn't really slow down for cheesy family moments. It keeps you on your toes with the fun gadgets and quick turns. This movie is full of spectacular stunts and just plain accidents, that make this movie a great comedy/action for kids of all ages. When watching the movie make sure to check out the bloopers, they're give just as big a laugh as the movie. I give this movie an A. It's funny, exciting and you never really know what's coming!

Karate Kid
This movie is, in my opinion, better then the original. When Dre Parker moves to China he is faced with several challenges, including a group of bullies that make it their duty to punish him for nothing. Dre wants tolearn Kung-Fu so that he can beat the bullies, and finds himself being thought by the maintenance man. They both learn a lot of things from each other and end up better off then when the movie started.

This movie is really inspirational. It's all about never giving up, and when life knocks you down you can choose to get back up again. The newer version of this movie is very similar to the original, but as I said, better. The characters seem more believable, especially Dre. My only coment is that Karate is not from China! I give this movie an A for the action and ideas.

In general theese two movies are veryfun and exciting. Jackie Chan plays a big role in each movie, abd bolth encompass his talents. They are both very deifferent movies and I would love to hear what you think of them. Please leave me some coments about them!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

This is a fun crazy movie. It is when Alice returns to Wonderland and has to save them. My favorite part of the movie was the costumes.They are so amazing, and cool.Alice is constantly, changing into different dresses and all the other characters have awesome clothes to. I also really like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter. While the movie is really good and a great adventure it's a bit scary and graphic. I would suggest that parents watch the movie before they let any kid under seven watch it. Anyway, I give this movie a B. It Was a tad bit confusing and as I said, a bit graphic and violent. Tell me this, how is a raven like a writing desk?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Owl City

As you know I detest mainstream Disney songs, but that doesn't mean I'm obsessed with heavy metal rock. No, I prefer the happy, electronic Owl City. Owl City rocks, and I'm not saying that from the point of view of a one time listener, no, I AM THE TRUE FAN!!!!!!!!!! I discovered them almost a year ago, before his popularity took off and all that. I own almost all the music and know all the lyrics, so I guess you know how I feel about it! Owl City's music is fun, happy light and cheery. Adam Young has a real touch that makes the the music the just right mix of everything. This 23 year old isn't a billboard pop singer with just enough talent not to get booted out, but a really talented guy. His songs show a creative happy side to life that is sometimes hard to see. Another great thing about Owl City is the variety. He's got strings, piano, drums, and of course vocals. I give Owl City an A++++++ for the fun and sun of the music. Check it out on iTunes or other places you get music.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Instead of churning out several blogs about the epic failure of Disney I choose to make one blog, pulling all of it together. Don't get me wrong, the Disney classics, like Toy Story, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty, are great. What annoys me is the new Disney that seems to need to force all of their kids to sing. And the shows, well they've only got one good show. Phineas and Ferb's crazy antics are sure to give you a laugh, but other than that the only laughs I get from Disney Channel is laughing at the creepy shows and the crazy fans screaming as The Jonas Brothers screech their demented lyrics. Then there is Hannah Montana. She is the alter-ego of Miley Cyrus who is annoying, but Hannah Montana really gets on my nerves. She sounds awful, not to mention her horrifying t.v. show. And I know they're the same people blah-blah-blah. At least the music Miley Cyrus produces as her self is at least a bit more mature, while Hannah Montana focuses on little kids, while singing about relationships, it's really stupid! So, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings in this post, but it's my honest opinion! I give Disney a C+. I would give it more were I not including Hannah Montana, The Jonas Brothers, and Demi Lavato. For younger kids it seems like it focuses to much on relationships and stuff like that, but a lot of kids like it, so, I guess I can't stop them!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


By now I assume you've heard of Glee, you know, the t.v. show? Of course you do! It's the one with the crazy singing high school kids! WRONG!!!!!!!!! Glee is not only about crazy singing high school kids, but about finding who you are. And no it's not cheesy!!!! The show is really quite funny! The cheer leading captain Sue is, in my opinion, one of the most hilarious characters ever! not to mention Kurt, my favorite character. The music varys from Madonna to The Beatles to rap. And all the songs get there own unique Glee twist. Unfortunately for you I won't tell you anything about it except that it's funny, sweet, and totally awesome! Fortunately for you, that means you have to watch it!!!!!!! Channel 12, 9 o'clock, Tuesdays, or check it out on wherever you watch t.v. on-line. I give it an A+++++++++ DON'T MISS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Harry Potter

For my first blog I'm going to go for an old classic, and my personal favorite. HARRY POTTER! Okay so we've all seen the movies, but the books are really much better. In general the books are about dark vs. light, and saving the world. During the books Harry really grows, and learns. He learns about his past his future, and the ominous Lord Voldemort. He gets wonderful friends and even falls in love. J.K. Rowlings writing really brings the story to life,even though it's magical. I give this book an A++++++ It's great series for all ages and is a wonderful series. But remember, READ THE BOOKS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!