Sunday, December 26, 2010

iTunes vs. CDs

CD Vs. iTunes

Pros iTunes
1. Less expensive
2. Can buy just the songs you want
3. Kept safe on your computer/ iPod /iPad /iPhone
4. can listen anywhere

Cons iTunes
1.If you buy it only you can listen to it
2.You can only play it to a group if you have speakers.
3.Can't buy used, a.k.a. cheaper.
4.Can't sell it

Pro CD
1.You can share.
2. You can sell it
3. you can buy it used
4. It's a phisical thing you can hold

Cons CD
1.They're easy to loose
2.They brake
3.If you don't have a cd player you can't listen to it.
4. They can be expensive because of casing.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow alter, How-To

Your Snow Alter

Summer is gone and it is time to begin snow preparation. One way to insure a heavy snowfall is a snow alter. Read on to learn the steps of a snow alter. 

1. Get a small table and place it somewhere easy to see, preferably near a window.
2. Cover it in a white sheet.
3. Place small items on the table
- Snow-y stuffed animals
- paper snow flakes
- snow attire
- any thing winter-y
- a piece of paper with the below prayer
4. Every night take a bowl and place a ice cube in it
5. Bless the ice cube with the prayer

Dear Snow Gods*
We pray to you that on this night
snow does fall to the ground
That when we awake our world will be white
and it will muffle all sounds
Oh Snow Gods* 
We pray to you that it will stick
and continue to fall
We pray to you that on this night
snow does fall to the ground

* Feel free to replace these words if they offend you

Hmmmmmm, what to say

Okay, so, Holidays are coming so YAY! Ummmmmmm, ummmmm, Team Unicorn or Team Zombie? Tell me that, and watch Outsourced. It's really good, also congrats to Fabio on winning Survivor. Read the book Zombies vs. Unicorns.

Now, I want everyone who reads this to find your favorite article and go down to the little bar and email it to someone, or just email the website, to at least one person, and then have them email it to one person etc. We need people to read this blog!

View Details Happy holidays!  Don't forget to read my snow alter instructions, Next time!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'M GONNA' GO CRAZY!!!!!!!!! (not really)

So, Guess what? I'm going insane. No really. Ask my friends. I've been so hyper this week it's not funny. I also made a gi-nourmous assortment of duct tape accessories. Wallets, hats, rings, headbands, and bracelets. I've made the decision that my prom dress will be made of duct tape, if I go to prom. I'm not going unless it's Yule Ball themed. I'm in a choir performance tonight, how fun. Also, I'm going to make a quiditch team at my school. Awesome right! Recently I finished to books. To Kill A Mocking Bird (TKAMB) and My Sisters Keeper (MSK) So now I'm going to talk about them, so yeah. (Spoilers ahead, but not big ones. so def. read the MSK one.

TKAMB- So this book is AWESOME! If you've read it then you know how sad the ending is and All I'm going to say is that it's so horrid that it is still happening today, I mean really, we think that people aren't discriminative, soooooo not true. Give me a comment for your thoughts.

MSK- This book is soooo sad. This is the question on the cover. If you use one of your children to save the life of another, are you being a good mother or a very bad one? Tell me what you think, before and after you read the book.

Both books have been made into a movie, but that doesn't count.
So that's it...