So, Guess what? I'm going insane. No really. Ask my friends. I've been so hyper this week it's not funny. I also made a gi-nourmous assortment of duct tape accessories. Wallets, hats, rings, headbands, and bracelets. I've made the decision that my prom dress will be made of duct tape, if I go to prom. I'm not going unless it's Yule Ball themed. I'm in a choir performance tonight, how fun. Also, I'm going to make a quiditch team at my school. Awesome right! Recently I finished to books.
To Kill A Mocking Bird (TKAMB) and
My Sisters Keeper (MSK) So now I'm going to talk about them, so yeah. (Spoilers ahead, but not big ones. so def. read the MSK one.
TKAMB- So this book is AWESOME! If you've read it then you know how sad the ending is and All I'm going to say is that it's so horrid that it is still happening today, I mean really, we think that people aren't discriminative, soooooo not true. Give me a comment for your thoughts.

MSK- This book is soooo sad. This is the question on the cover. If you use one of your children to save the life of another, are you being a good mother or a very bad one? Tell me what you think, before and after you read the book.
Both books have been made into a movie, but that doesn't count.
So that's it...
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