Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm sorry!

Okay, so obviously I just can't write about Fablehaven, so here's another topic!!!!

Adam Lambert

Okay So mostly I'm going to right about his new album, but there will also be a lot of raging about the fact that he lost American Idol. So here goes.

In Adam's new album, which by the way, he got by himself, without the automatic deal from American Idol that Kris Allen, the winner, got. The album is titled For Your Entertainment. And it is quite entertaining as a matter of fact! (I'm listening to it right now!) Anyway, heres a list of the songs!

Music Again- Fun and electro. Upbeat and happy. His voice gets pretty high, which just reminds of how superior he is to Kris. It's about how someone made him want to listen to music again.

For Your Entertainment- It's got a steady beat, almost like a heart beat. This song is kinda' creepy, but amazing just the same. I'm not quite sure what this song is about... BUT THAT'S OKAY!

Whataya Want From Me- This song is slow, and calm. Withe a cool guitar undertone this song does speed up a bit, but slows back down. The songs about getting through all sorts bumps in any sort of relationship.

Strut- I LOVE THIS SONG! It's all electro with a really cool beat. At one point it slows down but then it speeds back up. It's about starting a revolution, against what I don't know, but it sorta' seems like maybe the government of sorts.

Soaked- This song has a really great tune, it's sort of sad and slow, with a bit of Middle Eastern thrown in, just like when he sang Ring of Fire on American Idol, which was much better then whatever Kris did that week! It's about getting through it all, even when you're in really deep, at least that's what I got.

Sure Fire Winners- This song has a fabulous beat and electro tune. It's about going way over the top and always coming out fine, I think. See this song is great but it does sort of confuse me!

A Loaded Smile- Is slow and sweet, with a little spacey tune. It's about how this person is all you ever want, and that they are so important to you, but maybe something went wrong, but you think you can make it.

If I Had You- This song has a great beat and wonderful vocals. It talks about how you can get all dressed up, have lots of money and be super famous, but that we have way to much of that stuff and that all we really need is love.

Pick U Up- This song very techno with a fun beat. It's about waiting too long for something you really want, then finally getting it.

Fever- I love this song! It's got an amazing tune and beat that shows off his voice more than some more than the other songs. I mean His voice is so much better than Kris's. It's actually kind of sad! It's about loving someone for a long time, but never telling them, or something...I don't really know!

Sleepwalker- This song is slow and sad. I can't say much about the music, but that it's amazing, and there's some electric guitar. It's about how after you broke up He's just walking around with nothing really affecting Him. If it interests you the electric guitar in this song was done by Orianthi. 

Aftermath- This song is slow, and fast. It's about how you'll be able to get through everything because you've got people that are going through the same thing. Oh, and all that's going on after some big event like a war, but probably less HUGE.

Broken Open- This song is slow with a melody that seems to kind of engulf you. It's about being broken open... Okay so I don't understand this song really, I even looked at the lyrics, and I still don't get it!

Time for Miracles- This song is slow, and while I don't love it, it's got a good tune and melody. It's about how you're not giving up on love, especially since, "Living is so hard to do" It's one of the lyrics! Anyway, Adam originally Sang this song in the movie 2012. Has Kris had a song in a movie, NO! Has Adam had a song in two  movies? YES!

Master Plan- This song is one of my favorites. This song is fast paced and very electro. It's about thinking outside the box, and being spontaneous. It's also about forgetting about how things were done and to realize if somethings right or wrong.

Down the Rabbit Hole- This song is upbeat and crazy. It's really quite interesting. I think  it's about about   getting around the fact that it's just plain odd and going ahead and having fun.

The "Deluxe Version" Includes Master Plan, Down the Rabbit Hole, two behind the scenes videos, an LP (which is actually pretty cool!), then in the LP there's some photos, credits, and an iTunes interview with Adam himself, for like three more bucks.

My favorite songs are as follows: Strut, Master Plan, Fever, Sure Fire Winners, Sleepwalker, and Aftermath.

All my ideas of what the songs mean are almost made up, so, Ya' know...

Also, I haven't listened to Kris's music after American Idol, so he might have gotten better, but I still think he's got a bad voice.

Okay, this is the last of it, you must also get No Boundaries. It's amazing, plus he sang it better than Kris!

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